Monday 26 November 2012

IBPS Clerical Exam - 2013 scoring tips

IBPS(Institute of Banking Personnel Selection) - conducting IBPS Clerical Exam - 2013 in December 2012. Aspirants be clear that your goal is Bank Job  and your aim is cross the cut OFF marks in all sections to clear the exam.

To get good score in IBPS Clerical Exam, first you should know the answers of follow Questions. 

1. what is the pattern of IBPS Exam?
2. Why Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) is important?
3. What is the cut OFF mark?
4. How much time you have to spend in Examination Hall?
5. How you have been prepared for your IBPS Clerical Examination?

Preparing tips for IBPS Clerical Exam - 2013 to be successful...!

In IBPS Clerical Exam, We have to answer 200 questions in 2 hours. IBPS Exam pattern divided into 5 categories.

1. Reasoning
2. English Language
3. Numerical Ability
4. General Awareness with special reference to Banking Industry
5. Computer Knowledge

Your first preference would be Computer Knowledge section. Because it may easy to answer 40 question in less time.For the preparation you refer Computer Basics, Memories, Booting, Desktop, MS-Office, Networks, Network Topology, etc. to get good score in computer Knowledge category in IBPS Clerical Exam.

The second choice is Reasoning, If you would be good at the topics Blood relations, Directions, Coding Decoding, Analytical reasoning, Series, Critical reasoning, Cubes, Data interpretation, Data Sufficiency etc, you can get good marks. Applying small logic in reasoning gives good score in IBPS Exam 2012.

Your third option is Numerical Ability, if we are well prepared in the sections like Time and Work, Time and Distance, Problems on train, Profit and loss, Ages and Percentages, it helps lot to gain good marks.
Try to practice this section with short cut methods, which helps you to solve the question without writing.
Practice online as much as you can IBPS Clerical Mock Test. IBPS Clerical Exam English online practice papers help you lot to get great marks.

Now English. This section is integral part of English grammar, Comprehension,Vocabulary and Sentence correction, synonyms and antonyms. If your have basic grammar knowledge, it is easy to qualify. Practice speed reading helps you to get good score in IBPS English Section. Use Online Practice papers to get good marks in IBPS Clerical Exam - English Section.

Coming to General Knowledge, be good with last 6 months news. Use "IBPS - Clerical Paper for Current Affairs 2012" for General knowledge preparation of IBPS Clerical.

All The Best....

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